Personal Injury Lawyers | San Antonio, Texas

Workplace accidents on construction sites can be deadly

The more massive a construction project, the more danger workers may face. Construction workers in Texas and across the country rely on the care and attention taken in the early stages of a project’s development to ensure the work is as safe as possible. Workplace accidents in high-rise construction can be catastrophic, and one building collapse in another state illustrates how mistakes can devastate a community.

In another state, city officials and developers have finally reached an agreement about what to do with an 18-story hotel structure that partially collapsed about six months ago. The upper floors of the structure gave way and collapsed onto one another, crushing three workers and injuring dozens more. The families of two of the deceased workers have endured an agonizing wait while authorities decided the best way to retrieve the bodies from the dangerous building. Now officials seem to have reached an agreement.

A construction crane still teeters on the top of the structure, placing businesses and residents at risk all around. Removing the crane is the first priority, followed by the respectful removal of the bodies and returning them to their families without endangering those individuals involved in the recovery. Workers will then gather evidence that will help investigators determine the exact reason for the building collapse. Then they will demolish the building.

Many people and entities may be waiting in line to hold those accountable whose actions brought about this catastrophic event. Whether the collapse of a building is the result of defective equipment, poor design, dangerous cost-cutting or other reasons, those employees and their families who suffer injury and loss have the right to seek the compensation they deserve following workplace accidents. A skilled Texas attorney can provide guidance and advice for reaching those goals.