What to do when a loved one has died in a nursing home

What to do when a loved one has died in a nursing home You probably remember the day your parent moved into the nursing home you had carefully chosen together. Such times are often highly emotional, and many adult children experience worry and anxiety, wondering whether they made the right choices for their loved ones. Whether your parent spent only a few weeks in residence before passing away, […]

Certain jobs may include a higher risk for workplace accidents

Certain jobs may include a higher risk for workplace accidents Companies in Texas and across the country are constantly reviewing and updating safety procedures in an attempt to protect the health of employees. However, some professions are inherently more dangerous than others, which often makes this process significantly more difficult. Despite a vast increase in precautions, workplace accidents continue to take place, and often have […]

Defective products in vehicles can have disastrous consequences

Defective products in vehicles can have disastrous consequences Many individuals put a great deal of thought into the purchase of an automobile. While a person may have a partial interest in areas such as fuel efficiency and style, the safety of a vehicle is often a crucial factor in the decision-making process. Vehicles that have defective products have been the cause of countless […]

Is your loved one a victim of elder abuse?

Is your loved one a victim of elder abuse? When your Texas family places a loved one in a nursing home or residential care facility, it is with the expectation that he or she will receive adequate care and treatment. Unfortunately, some facilities and care providers violate this trust, and your loved one may be the victim of one or more types of elder […]

Oil and gas field accidents on the rise in Texas

Oil and gas field accidents on the rise in Texas As a resident of Texas, you know that rich deposits of oil and gas exist in certain regions. In fact, in recent years, the state has seen a surge in drilling, which creates jobs. Unfortunately, along with an increase in various job opportunities in the oil and gas extraction business, there also appears to be […]

Fuel system defects cause thousands of vehicle fires each year

Fuel system defects cause thousands of vehicle fires each year The fuel system in a car has the potential to make that vehicle a bomb on wheels. A single spark or a drop of gasoline on a hot surface can suddenly produce a huge fire that spreads extremely quickly. According to the National Fire Protection Association, there were approximately 174,000 vehicle fires in 2015. These […]

Catastrophic injuries to the brain can create many challenges

Catastrophic injuries to the brain can create many challenges An individual who suffers a traumatic brain injury often experiences difficultly in many areas of life. Catastrophic injuries of this nature can be challenging to overcome, and many lead to long-term or permanent damages that can be difficult to accept. People in Texas may wish to avoid similar injuries and protect themselves from future harm; […]

Second-hand smoke and the workplace

Second-hand smoke and the workplace It’s the world’s worst-kept secret that second-hand smoke is bad for you. In fact, there are some advocates who argue that it can be just as bad for your health as smoking. That’s why many cities, bars and restaurants have completely forbidden people from smoking on the premises. But what happens when you’re exposed to […]

Comprehending the Consequences arising from Building Fires

Comprehending the Consequences arising from Building Fires Living in a house that is susceptible to building fires can be a hazardous option, to say the least. In such a building, succumbing to carbon monoxide inhalation is a more probable likelihood, let alone the scorching consequences of a building fire. Mainly aggravated by a defective sprinkler, it is abundantly clear that residence in […]

The painful reality of a spinal cord injury

The painful reality of a spinal cord injury The accident that injured your loved one’s back was probably one of the most devastating events in your life. You and your family may have kept vigil in the hospital for days or weeks waiting to hear the doctor’s prognosis. The health problem most associated with spinal cord injury is paralysis. Depending on the area […]


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