Personal Injury Lawyers | San Antonio, Texas

Losing a limb will change your life

You do not realize how vital a particular body part is until you lose it. Each year thousands of people have to adjust to living without a hand, arm, foot, leg or another body part due to an amputation.

There are two categories of amputation:

  • Medical amputations: These make up the majority. A surgeon intentionally removes the limb due to a disease such as diabetes or an infection.
  • Traumatic amputations: These are not planned and are a result of a trauma such as a car accident, workplace accident or an explosion.

Traumatic amputations can be full, where the part is entirely detached from the body. Or they can be partial, where some tissue still connects it.

When surgeons perform an amputation in a hospital, it is done with anesthesia and controlled sterile conditions. Traumatic amputations are more problematic as they usually occur in unsterile and uncontrolled environments with no medical help on hand. Thus, there is a high risk of infection, uncontrolled bleeding and shock. Any of those three could be fatal.

While doctors can sometimes reattach a severed part, most people will have to live without it or with a prosthetic replacement. They may be unable to continue in the same career and may need mobility assistance. Everyday tasks and hobbies may become harder. People may suffer phantom pain where the body part was for years after the amputation. Many also suffer emotional issues as they struggle to cope with their loss.

If you have lost a limb or other body part in Texas, contact the Wyatt Law Firm. They have a long history of fighting hard for the maximum compensation for their injured clients.