Despite a Marked Decline in Work Related Deaths, Texas Still Leads the Nation
According to preliminary data released by the U.S. government, the number of job related deaths declined in Texas, however the state still leads in overall work casualties in the nation. According to the reports, there was an eight percent dip in workplace fatalities. The number went down from 536 to 493 between the years of 2012 and 2013. However, Texas still has one of the highest workplace deaths in the nation.
In the last decade, Texas has led the nation in work related casualties. The state suffered more fatalities on the work site for ten out of the last 14 years. Texas is one of the only states that does not require employers to provide state workers’ compensation insurance, allowing them to seek insurance from private companies. This can lead to problems because that leaves at least 5.5% of all Texans without workers’ compensation insurance.
Compared to other large states in America, Texas has a higher percentage of workplace deaths. New York surprisingly had just 160 worker deaths, while Florida had 234, and California had 385 in 2013. It is important to note that in the past decade, Texas has accounted for one third of the nation’s new jobs, thus having more employees than the other states. However, that does not excuse the state for having such high workplace fatality rates.
Here is a breakdown the cause of death for workers:
- Transportation accidents: 213 deaths
- Contact with objects or equipment: 76 deaths
- Falls, slips, and trips: 73 deaths
- Violence by a person or an animal: 66 deaths
- Fire or explosion: 32 deaths
- Exposure to harmful substances: 31 deaths
The leading occupation where death occurs is heavy truck and tractor driving. There have been a reported 104 deaths in this industry.
At Wyatt Law Firm, we believe that you should not have to risk your life trying to obtain a paycheck. Employers have a responsibility to provide safe working environments for their workers. It is unacceptable that Texas has such a high workplace fatality rate. If someone you love or know has been injured or died at their work,contact our experience San Antonio personal injury attorneys today. We offer free consultations and will review your case!