Personal Injury Lawyers | San Antonio, Texas

Defective products can have a profound impact on one’s life

Riding lawn mowers are owned by many people in Texas and around the nation. A fire that began after one person had mowed his lawn has resulted in a defective products case. A lawsuit brought by the man blames the manufacturer for the fire and the injuries he suffered as a result.

He had finished mowing the lawn and returned his tractor to the shed. After turning off the tractor, he closed the doors to the shed and began to walk away. A short time later, he noticed smoke coming from the vicinity of the shed. He went to investigate and was engulfed in flames after he opened the shed door. The injured man, who is a firefighter, received severe burns.

The cause of the fire was believed to have been a result of fuel leaking onto hot surfaces. The question the suit seeks to answer is what caused the fuel to leak. This is not a unique case and there are other instances of tractor fires related to fuel leaks. The case is slated to go before a jury and if the jury sides with the injured man the manufacturer may become liable for medical costs and future costs associated with the injuries the person suffered.

Life is full of risks but a person using heavy equipment, such as a riding lawn mower, has a right to believe that it has been put through a stringent testing process to help assure its safety. People in Texas make use of such equipment every day without a second thought. An injury suffered as a result of possible defective products can have a significant negative impact on one’s quality of life. An experienced professional can help one determine if there is legal recourse available in such a situation.