Personal Injury Lawyers | San Antonio, Texas

9 month-old baby killed in big rig trucking accident

On Monday, August 3rd, a mother and her two sons crashed into a big rig that was parked on Highway 249 in Montgomery County. The DPS looked into the accident, attempting to uncover the cause. They noted that the truck was parked illegally in a moving traffic lane, with the emergency flashers on. The mother had been on the phone at the time of the crash. The accident resulted in the death of the driver’s 9-month-old son, who was strapped in his car seat in the back of the car. He died instantly.

The truck driver had parked his 18 wheeler near a business to make a delivery. At the time of the crash, he had been talking to the business owner on the phone. At 1 pm, the Hyundai SUV crashed into the rig. The youngest boy was pronounced dead, while the mother and her 3-year-old son were taken to Tomball Regional Medical Center. Looking closely at the tragedy, it is important to note that it could have been prevented.


Under Division 11, Sec. 42-311 of the parking laws in Texas, it is illegal to park in a street of traffic, leaving less than 10 feet for the easy movement of traffic. At the time of the crash, the big rig driver had parked the vehicle in a moving lane of traffic, with the emergency flashers on. Despite the flashers, it was illegal of him to be stopped there.


Although certain cities in Texas have their own specific cell phone regulations, the whole state asserts that distracted driving is hazardous and should be prevented. In San Antonio, it is strictly prohibited for drivers to text and drive at the same time.

Other cell phone ordinances include:

  • Drivers with a learning permit are not allowed to use a phone, hands on or hands free, for the first six months of training.
  • Drivers under the age of 18 are not allowed to use cell phones, particularly with wireless communication, while driving.
  • Phone use in a school zone is strictly prohibited for all drivers.

The fines for breaking any of these laws can range from $200 to $500 dollars. But more than money, it’s not worth risking the lives of loved ones and fellow citizens. The mother of two paid the ultimate price for not adhering to these laws.

If you or a loved one has been victim to a big rig accident, contact the Wyatt Law Firm today! We work hard to make sure our clients get the justice they deserve.